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Barb Lownsbury
Aug 2, 20234 min read
Love Moves In
"Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along." (Romans 8:25 MSG) I sit down with...

Jenny Seylar
Jul 21, 20235 min read
Trying to Do Good
I felt utterly convicted by my behavior. A part of me wanted them to hurt in the same way I had been hurt. How could I get to this place?

Barb Lownsbury
Jul 15, 20235 min read
The story of my journey with God is written in the pages of my journal. The truth of the words floods my soul and guides me ever forward.

Jenny Seylar
Jul 9, 20235 min read
Doing Good
I was shocked to learn that my own trauma and wounds were inflicting harm on others. I needed to do better. To do good.

Barb Lownsbury
Jun 30, 20237 min read
Courage Over Doubt
Life has added quite a few dollops of mashed potatoes onto my life’s plate lately. Some full of joy and others ugly lumps of gunk.

Marla Waldron
Jun 23, 20236 min read
Living In The Moment
I often wonder what it would be like to really let go of my worries by giving them to God, and then living in the moment.

Jenny Seylar
Jun 16, 20236 min read
Not an Afterthought
It's tough when I feel like an afterthought. Yet God reminds that I am loved and valued, and not at all an afterthought.

Barb Lownsbury
Jun 9, 20237 min read
Reconstruction of the Soul
When I finally handed the keys of my heart over to Jesus, it was freeing! I finally began to experience real change and discover hope.

Barb Lownsbury
May 19, 20235 min read
Press On: Developing Spiritual Grit
"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ...

Jenny Seylar
May 12, 20235 min read
Standing the Test of Time
Reflecting on who stands the test of time in my life is telling.

Sarah Davis
Apr 29, 20234 min read
Tending the Heart
Feelings can be both our most loyal friend AND our greatest enemy.

Barb Lownsbury
Apr 21, 20235 min read
Scrapping and Sanding the Soul
The Holy Spirit gives us the wisdom needed to change our thinking as we seek to find joy even amid our brokenness.

Jenny Seylar
Apr 15, 20235 min read
The Scars We Bear
The other disciples told him, “We’ve seen the Lord!” But Thomas replied, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands, put my finger in the...

Barb Lownsbury
Apr 8, 20235 min read
Victory at the Cross
They were down 32 points. They needed 5 touchdowns to win. F-i-v-e. Everyone had written them off. The Houston Oilers had scored 21...

Jenny Seylar
Mar 31, 20234 min read
Divine Peace
I can't live my best life when I fill my every waking moment with stuff.

Sarah Davis
Mar 24, 20234 min read
Peace Be With You
no matter what we are facing, because of Christ, there is contentment to be found.

Barb Lownsbury
Mar 17, 20234 min read
Listening Obedience
“Whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing...

Marla Waldron
Mar 10, 20235 min read
A Time for Bold Prayers
I say, “Go,” and she says, “Stop.” Ever know folks that you’d rather avoid if you can because they contradict you all the time?

Jenny Seylar
Mar 4, 20236 min read
Straddling Two Worlds
Create a clean heart for me, God; put a new, faithful spirit deep inside me! -Psalm 51:10 I sit in the dimly lit chapel on this early Ash...

Barb Lownsbury
Feb 24, 20237 min read
Diffusing the Darkness
When meanness and a lack of kindness abound, choose to diffuse the darkness.
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