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Jenny Seylar
Oct 1, 20223 min read
Fractured Light
Getting caught up in the cycle of darkness is a dangerous path to trod. God offers a path of light.

Barb Lownsbury
Sep 23, 20225 min read
Intimacy with God
I had a rather interesting dream recently. I am sitting close to the stage at the Oscars, settled between two successful actresses you...

Sarah Davis
Sep 17, 20224 min read
Seeing Goodness Again
The most despairing part of the the difficult seasons I have walked through is that goodness seems so very far away.

Barb Lownsbury
Sep 11, 20228 min read
My Messy Prayer
Prayer isn't always simple, humble or easy. Yet often it is within our messy prayers that God's true power really begins to shine.

Jenny Seylar
Aug 26, 20223 min read
A Matter of Perspective
My perspective of the situation may actually be quite far from the reality of the situation.

Barb Lownsbury
Aug 20, 20225 min read
I used to try to fit my Christianity into a box. Ever been there? I had a checklist that needed to be in place in order to feel good...

Jenny Seylar
Aug 6, 20224 min read
The Answer is Yes!
Yes or no? Should I go to Ireland for a girls trip? “Yes!” Do I agree to run a 5K with friends, even though I stopped running more than...

Barb Lownsbury
Jul 30, 20226 min read
Push Past Fear
Sometimes in life, Jesus calls us to step out of the boat.

Sarah Davis
Jul 22, 20224 min read
Building Something New
Often in my hastiness I forget that the in-between places are more necessary than I will ever fully know.

Jenny Seylar
Jul 15, 20225 min read
Boxing It Up
Suffering must not be cast aside. And, sometimes it is essential to put it in a "box" if only for a short while.

Barb Lownsbury
Jul 8, 20223 min read
Gaining Perspective
A shift in perspective can shift your life experience for the better.

Sarah Davis
Jul 2, 20223 min read
Puddles of Sunshine
The practice of gratitude is learning to find the "puddles of sunshine," even in the midst of ongoing difficult circumstances.

Jenny Seylar
Jun 24, 20224 min read
Taken to Water
Water is a gift. There is healing in water. Respite and peace in water.

Barb Lownsbury
Jun 17, 20223 min read
The Right Timing
Jesus was asked to do things he didn’t necessarily feel he was ready to do. Picture him in the earliest days of his ministry. He had...

Sarah Davis
Jun 11, 20224 min read
My mind feeds me constant information. Some of it is true. Some of it is as far from the truth as a lie can land.

Jenny Seylar
Jun 4, 20223 min read
Trying to Be Good
Striving to be good is a challenge when we go it on our own. Whom can we turn to when we are faced with challengesl

Barb Lownsbury
May 27, 20224 min read
Remarkable Impact
A young Jewish girl is captured by a conquering nation and made into a servant-slave. There is nothing particularly special about her,...

Sarah Davis
May 21, 20223 min read
A Necessary Kind of Pain
We can't play in the graveyard of the person we were before we met Jesus AND be blooming with the new life of Jesus living in us.

Jenny Seylar
May 14, 20223 min read
To Do...To Be...
The struggle between spending time just being is constantly challenged by the things that need to get done. God can help!

Jenny Seylar
Apr 30, 20225 min read
Words of Hope
In my morning quiet time, sitting on the chaise lounge on the couch, I noticed the positive messages I have strategically placed around...
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