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Sarah Davis
1 day ago4 min read
Puddles of Sunshine
She knew a secret the rest of the world didn’t ...

Barb Lownsbury
Aug 2, 20244 min read
When Relationships No Longer Fit
You can’t force something to work that is broken. It doesn’t matter how great things were in the beginning ...

Barb Lownsbury
Jul 5, 20245 min read
Never Alone
Her simple words, kindly shared, opened a window into a deeper connection with the Lord for me.

Winston Faircloth
Mar 8, 20246 min read
Ignite the Journey: Intentionality
After many years in the spiritual wilderness, I'm finding my way home to intentional faith and friendship.

Karisa Moore
Jan 19, 20245 min read
Ignite the Journey:Contentment
God wants the best for each of us. Most times it takes a releasing of control to truly receive God's good gifts for us.

Barb Lownsbury
May 19, 20235 min read
Press On: Developing Spiritual Grit
"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ...

Barb Lownsbury
Feb 24, 20237 min read
Diffusing the Darkness
When meanness and a lack of kindness abound, choose to diffuse the darkness.

Barb Lownsbury
Feb 3, 20234 min read
Ugly Thoughts
Desperate for something, anything different than my current mental state of war, I opened my Bible. And God showed up.

Barb Lownsbury
Nov 4, 20225 min read
Fighting the Slow Fade
I sat raptly at the end of the church pew, my head cocked sideways, face askew with skepticism. The words floated around me, but I...

Barb Lownsbury
Sep 11, 20228 min read
My Messy Prayer
Prayer isn't always simple, humble or easy. Yet often it is within our messy prayers that God's true power really begins to shine.

Barb Lownsbury
Jul 8, 20223 min read
Gaining Perspective
A shift in perspective can shift your life experience for the better.

Barb Lownsbury
Feb 5, 20226 min read
What Really Matters
A house full of kids. An elaborate dinner table mostly unnoticed. And missing out on what is really important.

Barb Lownsbury
Feb 5, 20226 min read
What Matters Most
I mopped the sweat off my brow with my crumbled up shirt sleeve, the steam from the pot of delicious smelling food wafting up to greet me...

Barb Lownsbury
Aug 14, 20217 min read
Conversation with Margaret
I sit down slowly, my expression thoughtful as I surreptitiously glance back at those brown eyes, still so keen and passionate all these...

Barb Lownsbury
Jul 7, 20211 min read
The Monthly Toolbox
"You're ready for spiritual growth. You've come to the right place..." Creating space to grow spiritually in a safe, welcoming...

Barb Lownsbury
Jan 25, 20204 min read
Marking the Moments
God has miracles of beauty and joy available for each of us. Â Out of the ashes of hurt and heartache, He brings redemption and joy.

Kristan Dooley
Aug 14, 20193 min read
New Foundations
Running in a new place can be rough. In unknown territory, adjustments have to be made.
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