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Bearing the Burden

Writer: Marla WaldronMarla Waldron

After my marriage, I have always lived in a different state from my parents, but I maintained close contact through phone calls and visits. My mother and I would talk every other day or at least once a week. Those calls were special times I looked forward to—a chance to catch up on life at the farm, hear about my father’s latest DIY project, check in on my handicapped brother, and get updates on first and second cousins and their children.

For years, my mom always called me first. But when the calls stopped coming as expected, I started calling her instead. Gradually, I noticed she would repeat things she had already told me. Then one evening, my father mentioned that their electricity had been turned off because my mom had forgotten to pay the bill—completely out of character for her. He was also concerned about her driving because she had become so forgetful. Watching these significant changes in her cognitive abilities was heartbreaking.

By the time my father passed away, it was clear that my mom could no longer stay on the farm alone. She needed daily supervision to ensure she remembered to eat, take her medications, and use the series of eye drops required to manage her worsening glaucoma.

As our parents aged, my brother and I found ourselves in a caregiver role we had not planned for. We had mapped out futures for our children—college, careers, independence—but caring for our aging parents was never part of that plan. And yet, life happened. Suddenly, we were making daily decisions about our mother’s well-being. While there are facilities that care for the elderly, we have always felt that our mother prefers to be with family rather than with strangers.


Caring for an aging parent involves far more than providing food, clothing, and a safe home. It means keeping up with doctor’s appointments, medication changes, extended hospital stays, and frequent trips to rehab facilities. My brother and I have felt stretched thin by the extra demands, often losing sleep and struggling with the weight of constant decisions. At times, it has been overwhelming and anxiety-inducing.

To manage the anxiety that so often threatens to consume me, I have discovered self-care routines that provide rest and relieve stress. I am an early riser, so I set aside 30 minutes to an hour each morning with God before the demands of the day begin. I read scripture and pray using lectio divina, a practice of praying through a passage and asking God to reveal His truth. At night, I keep a gratitude journal, jotting down one or two things from the day for which I am thankful.

For my physical and mental health, I make time for weekly walks in nature, often sharing these moments with close friends. I also practice yoga, incorporating movement with breath to strengthen both body and mind. Listening to uplifting music fills my days with encouragement, offering moments of worship throughout the day. And rather than isolating myself, I prioritize staying connected to family and friends through phone calls, meals together, and visits to see loved ones in other states. Leaning into this community has been essential in lightening the burden of caregiving.

Providing care for an aging parent can be rewarding but also exhausting. Balancing their needs with career goals and commitments to our own families is challenging. The constant decisions and responsibilities can make a caregiver feel isolated or even resentful about the sacrifices required. But we are not meant to carry this burden alone.

Are you tired? Burned out? Feeling stuck? When life overwhelms us with responsibilities we think we must bear alone, it is crucial to turn to God’s word. Jesus offers us this invitation:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Jesus speaks of a yoke—an image from farming used to distribute weight and make burdens bearable. At first, it might seem counterintuitive. Isn’t a yoke used for work? More work may be the last thing you need as a caregiver. But Jesus isn’t saying He will add to your load. Instead, He offers His yoke as a way to carry responsibilities differently—with Him beside you, doing the heavy lifting. This changes everything. When we surrender our burdens to Him, we find strength we didn’t know we had.


Jesus does not offer an escape from responsibility, but He does offer to bear the weight with us. Through the Holy Spirit, our Counselor, He provides wisdom and guidance. When we feel there is no way forward, God makes a way. We are also not meant to walk this journey in isolation. He provides community—family, friends, and fellow believers—to support and labor alongside us.

Jesus also said:

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid." (John 14:27)

It is easy to let fear take hold—fear for our loved ones, fear that we are not enough. But we can be confident that God's timing can be trusted and His guidance is sure and dependable. We discern God’s will by studying scripture. His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We are not meant to carry our burdens alone, but to be yoked to Christ, who strengthens us. Prayer, especially within a prayer group, is a powerful way to seek God’s loving guidance.

Here are some steps for practicing lectio divina, or praying scripture:

  • Select a passage that is meaningful to you or use a concordance to find scriptures related to your current situation.

  • Ask God to bless your time in His word and to help you focus.

  • Read the scripture slowly, meditating on each word. Ask, “What does this say about God’s character, and how does it apply to my life?”

  • Pray through the passage, letting its meaning guide your conversation with God.

  • Ask that your mind and heart be opened to what God wants to reveal to you.

Praying scripture is a refreshing way to engage with our Creator. As we take on Jesus’ yoke, we find that our burdens become lighter—not because the work disappears, but because we are no longer carrying it alone.


Thank you, Father God, that nothing is impossible for you. Thank you for your wisdom and guidance, and your assurance that you will also bear my burdens. Help me to listen and seek wise counsel and to reach out into the community that you provide as a help to me. Your peace settles my soul and guards my heart and mind. You are my hope. In Christ’s name, Amen.


Marla Waldron

Marla Waldron is a devoted daughter of the Heavenly Father, and she embraces her roles as a sister, wife, mother, teacher, and friend with grace and dedication. For 35 years, she has served as a public school educator, mentoring countless beginning teachers and currently working as an Intervention Specialist with Kindergarten students. In her local church and community, Marla faithfully contributes by volunteering at food and clothing banks, participating in fundraising events, and actively engaging in, as well as leading, small group Bible studies for The Dented Fender Ministry. A mother of three grown children, Marla has also taken on the responsibility of caring for her 50-year-old brother with multiple handicaps since their father's passing. Despite facing dark tunnels of grief and self-doubt, Marla has learned to lean on God’s grace, holding tightly to His truths and trusting in His guidance one step at a time. She and her husband live in Ohio, embracing the unpredictable ride of life with faith and resilience.



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