Continue the journey with the Dented Fender in our Prune to Bloom series, as we explore the vital role of pruning in our lives. In this second week, discover how letting go of what no longer serves us makes room for new growth and transformation, nurturing our spirits for meaningful change.
Jesus tells an important story in John 15:1-3, one that has always stood out to me. He says, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vineyard keeper. He removes any of my branches that don’t produce fruit, and he trims any branch that produces fruit so that it will produce even more fruit. You are already trimmed because of the word I have spoken to you.”

Pruning is important work! If diseased, broken, and dead wood is left unchecked in a rose, it weakens the entire plant—sometimes even to the point of death. I once had a rose with so many diseased leaves that I had to remove every single one. At first, it looked barren and empty, stripped down to bare branches. Yet with nourishment, it came back healthy and bloomed beautifully in time.
Looking back on my life, I see the same pattern: all of my meaningful growth has come from allowing the diseased and broken parts of my life to be recognized and gently pruned away. What may have helped at one point—a survival mechanism, an old mindset, even a relationship—has now become something that holds me back. I’ve learned to say, “Thank you for getting me through that season,” acknowledging their role in my past, but ultimately inviting God to gently remove what no longer serves me. This process of letting go is crucial for healing and wholeness, making way for new growth and transformation.
Pruning isn’t just about what the Master Gardener takes away, though. It’s also about choosing what to let bloom. When I trim my rose bushes, sometimes two healthy shoots grow in opposing directions, competing for the same space. If I don’t cut one, neither will flourish as it should. I’ve found the same to be true in my own life. It often comes down to choosing between two good things, and sometimes I’ve had to release something that I valued deeply in order to make room for something better that I couldn’t fully see yet.
This can be challenging, as letting go of something good doesn’t come easily. I’ve wrestled with guilt over saying goodbye to a role or opportunity that once brought me joy. However, I’ve learned that holding onto what is merely good can prevent me from embracing what is truly great. Each time I choose to make space for new growth, I’m reminded that God has a greater purpose for me—a purpose that often unfolds in ways I never anticipated.
Pruning takes care. After I cut a large cane from a rose, that exposed spot is vulnerable. There are wood-boring bugs that love the soft, freshly exposed pith; they’ll burrow in and destroy the plant from within if I’m not careful.
The same is true in life. After I’ve cut something away, it’s important to be intentional with that new space, protecting it from negativity or bitterness that could creep in. I ask God to cover those open places with His peace and wisdom, giving me clarity on how to nurture this new growth.
I must tend to the wounds left by the pruning process, allowing healing to take place. Just as I apply care to a freshly cut rose, I need to offer myself grace and time to heal from what I’ve released. With intentional focus on nurturing the good things that remain and inviting new opportunities, I find the courage to embrace the growth that follows.
Just like a rose, each of us is uniquely cultivated by the Master Gardener, who lovingly prunes away what no longer brings life so that we can grow to our fullest potential. Take time to reflect on the areas of your life that may need pruning. Are there mindsets or habits that once served a purpose but now hinder your growth? What would it look like to release them? With patience and intentionality, let God guide you to choose what should bloom, knowing that with His care, you’re being shaped into something beautiful.
Lord, thank You for Your constant presence in every season of my life. Whether I’m in a time of pruning or simply seeking to grow, help me to trust in Your guidance. Remind me that You’re always working for my good, and help me to embrace the changes You bring, knowing that You’re making my life greater than I could ever achieve on my own. Keep my heart centered in Your love, and let me be open to Your plans, whatever they may be. Amen.

Barb is a speaker, author, and entrepreneur. She holds Bachelor's Degrees in International History and Education, as well as a Master’s Degree in Education. Barb has spoken at conferences and taught classes throughout the U.S. on topics including faith, relationships, leadership, and courage through trials. Her book, Using What’s Broken to Boldly Shine, is a powerful read on transformation through adversity. Her blog focuses on providing people with everyday encouragement and strength. Barb serves as the Executive Director for The Dented Fender Ministry and runs a successful real estate and development company. She and her husband currently reside in Dayton, Ohio.
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