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The Right Question to Ask

Writer's picture: Barb LownsburyBarb Lownsbury

I had a long stretch of highway before me. The sunlight danced through the trees as I drove, seemingly joining me as I sang along to the radio. As the radio static grew, drowning out the sound, I flipped the station and tuned in to hear the passionate timbre of some preacher I didn’t recognize. I got ready to flip the dial when his words pierced through my thoughts and grabbed a hold of me.

“We misunderstand what it means to be a Christian. We think that because we believe in Jesus, we're fine. Yet the Bible says even the demons believe (James 2:19). The question to ask isn’t whether or not you know Jesus. It’s about whether or not Jesus knows you.”

His question really struck me. I believe. That’s a good thing! But it’s merely the start. An obedient relationship with my Father who loves me deeply is what really matters.

I recalled Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 7:22-24:

On the day of judgment many will call me their Lord. They will say, “We preached in your name, and in your name we forced out demons and worked many miracles.” But I will tell

them, “I will have nothing to do with you! Get out of my sight, you evil people!”

I know Jesus tells me this from a heart of love. More than anything He wants me to come into relationship with Him, to not miss out on the amazing life He wants to bless me with, or the amazing future He has in store for me. But belief isn’t a relationship. It isn’t communing with Him, spending consistent quality time in His presence. That’s part of how Jesus knows me—I actively spend time with Him.

Still, obedience matters. Jesus says in John 15:14, “You are my friends if you do what I command.” It’s belief and obedience walking hand-in-hand that allow me to not only know Jesus, but for Jesus to know me.

I need to stop periodically and ask myself, what am I doing to learn about the heart and mind of God? How am I growing in walking out my faith with Him? How well am I obeying His will over mine, even when it doesn’t make sense to me? Even when it's hard?

In growth moments, the goal isn’t to tear myself to shreds for what I have or haven’t done. God wants me to react by turning toward Him, to honestly acknowledge where I fall short. To bring my failings into the light so He can begin to heal, to transform, to renew me from the inside out. He reminds me, “let the weakling say, ‘I am a mighty warrior.’” (Joel 3:10 LEB).

He calls me to see myself from His eyes—valued, worthy and loved. A work in progress, yet walking hand-in-hand with a father who cheers me on every step of the way. He is the perfect coach, one who is patiently working with me to become all He has crafted me to be before the existence of time for His good purposes. How incredible is that?!

Don’t be afraid to ask yourself, does Jesus know me? Regardless of the answer, God is holding out His hand toward you to show you the way forward toward more.

FOR FURTHER THOUGHT: A great step toward growth is to take a hard, long look at your walk with God, and to ask the Father if He is happy with your relationship together. God already knows the answer. Wouldn’t you prefer to know, too? It’s the only way you will be able to grow and heal, to step into the great moments God has in store for your life for His glory. When you catch yourself getting negative, or beating yourself up for all that you’re not, remember that God’s heart for you is one of compassionate love. He isn’t looking for perfection; He’s looking for relationship. He wants to shepherd you to greener pastures, but you have to walk with Him so you don’t miss the turn.

PRAYER: Lord, You promise me that You don’t treat me as my sins deserve, that You have removed my sins as far as the east is from the west. That I can’t outrun Your love and that Your heart is to lavish grace on me. That You are faithful to me even when I feel faithless. Praise You Papa! Praise Your good and holy name!! Always You want my good. Today, would You help me to proclaim that I am strong because I am with You! Would You make Yourself known to me in deeper ways, revealing to me the deep truths of Your word, the Bible. Help me to never forget that there is nothing on this earth that compares with You, and nothing I could ever do is more important than my relationships with You. I thank You and praise You for Your remarkable, reckless love for me. Amen!


To learn more about author & motivational speaker Barb Lownsbury or to have her speak at your next event, CLICK HERE.


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